Gospel Song Promotion

Gospel Song Marketing Super Bundle!(You Need 7 Sure-fire Marketing Strategies To Catapult Your Success!)


This is for you if…

you have a gospel song but don’t have a place to start marketing it and you really want to put your song in the eyes and ears of thousands of people! ….. We do it for 30 DAYS!

Powerful Easy To Do Gospel Song Marketing Opportunity!

Every Song Marketing Promotion Need These 7 Crucial Elements

  • Your Promotion Needs To Be Seen Several Times Before People Can Connect With It…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Be Heard Several Times Before It Registers In A Person’s Mind…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Brand What You Are Promoting…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Grab A Person’s Attention…
  • Your Promotion Must Have A Direct Call-To-Action….
  • Your Promotion Needs To Brand What You Are Promoting…
  • Your Promotion Needs To Have A Clear And Straight To Point Message…
  • Your Promotion Must Be In As Many Places As Possible For Maximum Exposure…

Gospel Song Marketing! This Promotion Comes With These Powerful Marketing Tools!

***  Please Bear In Mind All Submissions Must Meet Radio Broadcast Quality Guidelines Before Your Promotion Can Begin  ***

Radio Station 1

This Stellar Award winning station, Synergy1Radio is based out of Chicago, IL and was birthed from the nationally syndicated Gospel Synergy Magazine!

Radio Commercial

Send us your ready to go commercial. You commercial will run at least once per day during your promotion on all stations involved with these promotions.

Radio Station 2

WNIA Gospel Radio is based out of Winston Salem, NC and has pioneered some of the most useful indie artist marketing and promotional systems.

Twitter Marketing

Due to the 2023 changes to Twitter, we can no longer promise this feature of the marketing. We are looking at using GospelRadioFans.com instead.


You will be able to see our system in action and therefore know that your money is being put to its intended use. We use Twitter as proof of delivery for your promotion.

Renew Anytime

As mentioned earlier, many artist have renewed this service more than 5 times and they keep coming back because we deliver. Renew or start a new promotion at any time!

Get access to our Gospel Song Promotion Bundle now!

This promotion bundle puts your gospel song in front of thousands of people who may have never heard about you or your song and It does it over the span of 30 to 60 days across 2 independently operated online gospel radio stations and their respective Twitter followers!

Promote Your Gospel Song!

Why should I use this promotional tool?

More than 300+ gospel artist have used this promotion and many of them have used it more than 5 times!!!!Here are a few reasons we know of as to why.

First off, a promotional power boost at various times of the day means you are reaching a larger population due to the global nature of Internet radio. And, since our regular listeners are tuned in every day, they get to become familiar with you and your song and it’s sound. This where mental branding begins for the listener. Once the listener has gotten use to your promotion, they start remembering it and it becomes something they feel they now know.

The other thing that happens is that they hear your commercial with information as to who you are and where your music can be purchased. This is happening with your song in the background to help the listener connect the promotion with the song they have been hearing. Now the listeners can put a name with music.

All of this exposure is happening every day for 30 to 60 days!!! That’s an awesome deal that just can’t be passed up!!

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